“You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” Proverbs 19:21

Monday, September 23, 2013

Top 10 Reasons to Love the Fall Season

Fall is my favorite season. I love everything about it. As soon as winter arrives, I already begin looking forward to next year’s autumn.So, in honor of yesterday being the 1st day of autumn, I have created a list of the Top 10 Reasons to Love the Fall Season. And this is just a condensed list.

10. Leaf Piles
Raking my family’s yard, sprinkled with numerous walnut and maple trees, was never that enjoyable. However, the result of a completely raked yard was well worth it. Jumping into the enormous piles of leaves with my younger siblings is one of my favorite past times. 
This dog looks to be enjoying the wonderful fallen leaves too!

9. Football
Need I say more? Nothing is better than a crisp Friday or Saturday night, sitting in the bleachers with some hot chocolate, snuggled next to family and friends as together everyone cheers for the home team!  

8. Bonfires
Summer is too hot, spring is decent, and winter is just a no; but the fall season is perfect for a nice night under the stars with a crackling golden glow that dances with warmth. Oh, and let’s not forget the roasting of marshmallows!

7. Corn Mazes
An eerie darkness. Shadows that loom around every corner. Laughter ringing in the air and dry corn stalks towering overhead. Visiting a corn maze at least once every autumn has to be on everyone’s checklist. 

6. Scarfs, boots, sweaters, and more
Let’s just admit it, we all – especially women – look forward to the first day of fall just so we can wear our favorite scarfs and pull on our boots. I personally love wearing sweaters. Cute and comfy!

5. Fall weather
After a smoltering summer, a brisk breeze is something to look forward to. Also, I just love waking up, getting ready for work, and stepping outside to find leaves dancing as the drift toward the ground and a misty fog lingering. Some people might find fog scary, but I think it’s beautiful. Especially as it’s wrapping around the rolling hills and mountains.

4. Colors
Gold. Yellow. Red. Even pretty mocha or chocolate brown. The scenery looks like someone has splattered the trees with warm colors that can’t help but bring a smile to your face.

3. Food
Every season has its own special foods. But the cool weather brings the best. Plus, it’s the opening of baking season. Soups galore, chili, turkey, casseroles, cider, and hot chocolate. Yum…I think I need to make a trip to the kitchen.

Yummy "Speedy Veggie Chili" (http://www.pauladeen.com/recipes/recipe_view/speedy_veggie_chili/)
2. Holidays
First, there is Halloween. Spooky or not, I love dressing up, picking up bags of candy, decorating for thrills, watching classic movies – Hocus Pocus and  It’s A Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown– and waiting to hear that doorbell ring. “Trick or treat!”
Second, the American holiday – Thanksgiving. It’s not just the food that makes us love the special holiday; it is also the gathering of family and friends. Spending time together around the table, playing games, sharing old memories/stories, and whatever other traditions your family has. So often we forget to be grateful. It’s nice to have a day that reminds us what the most important things in life are.

1. Pumpkins
PUMPKIN EVERYTHING!!! Carving pumpkins, pumpkin patches, pumpkin spice coffee, pumpkin candles, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread…We all loves pumpkins! The bright orange, round or tall, rippled veggie with a sticky and goopy gut, and a warm delectable aroma is the best type of squash. Admit it – it’s your favorite too. 

What are your favorite things about fall? What have you been looking forward to all year?

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